Mass Health

We are Currently Accepting New Mass Health Patients!

At Braintree Family Dental we accept multiple dental insurance plans including Mass Health, and we welcome adults and children in our practice!

How Mass Health Dental Coverage Work?

Mass Health is a comprehensive dental plan administered by the state of Massachusetts. And while many procedures such as preventative care (cleanings and exams, etc.) are covered, like any dental plan, Mass Health does limit some of the services that they will cover. That being said, we have extensive experience working with patients who have Mass Health, and we will work with you to help you navigate questions about what’s covered and what’s not covered.

What if Mass Health Doesn’t Cover a Service?

Unfortunately, Mass Health will not cover services such all-ceramic crowns. In a case where you would like to have an all-ceramic crown for a front tooth, for example, and where Mass Health won’t cover it, we have options in place to help you have services like this, but without breaking the bank.

When we perform an exam on a patent, we present the patient with a variety of available options that can help solve their dental needs. So, if you are interested in a treatment choice that isn’t covered, please let us know so we can discuss it together.

How Do I Get Started?

That’s easy! Call us or contact us to make an appointment – we look forward to meeting you and your family.